
8:38pm 07-06-2017
Laurie & Dennis
Hi Evan,

It's your angel day again and even though my mind tells me this marks 17 years ago that we lost you, my heart feels as heavy as if it were yesterday. I want to ask ... when does this feeling ever subside, but I know it never will while we are still here on earth.

Seems like not much has really changed since your birthday, and yet it feels like everything has changed. Grandpa decided to move out of the house so there's no place left to call "home" or theirs anymore. As your mom says, "dad has moved on" since grandma died... but it just doesn't feel right to me...

Otherwise, not much else is new or exciting. Thought we'd have had a start on excavation etc at the land, but that's not happening very quickly... in Gods time, I guess... not ours.

Hailyn celebrated her second birthday and we went out to Kristen's to celebrate with most of the family. She got a "Cadillac" kids car from her mom & dad.... it sooo reminded me of when you got your 4wheeler! Lol I'm sure there will be plenty of adventures ahead for them while playing with it!

Well, I guess I'd better wrap this up and try to get in a little better mood! We all know you're in a wonderful place and surrounded with lots of family, but we sure do miss you a lot and think of you so very often!

With all our love, hugs and kisses!
Auntie L & Uncle D
1:22pm 07-06-2017
Christopher's mommy
Dear Sue - You and your family are very much in my thoughts and prayers today as you remember your precious Angel Evan on his Heaven day.
love and hugs,
Christopher's mommy forever
11:29am 11-05-2016
Laurie & Dennis
Hi Evan,
Today you turn 23! Happy Birthday!
I truly don't know what to write for your birthday.... this has been such an up and down year all around...but I still needed to send you a birthday wish.

Today marks one month since grandma passed away... it makes me very sad to think about it....but I know she is in a better place and with you & MissE now. You and her can keep each other company and hopefully guide the rest of the family in the directions we need to go (MissE will sniff out the path that you both can follow us on and leave a few more "signs" along the way! Tell grandma I loved her Dove chocolate treat and the message within! And the feathers when I came out of the neurosurgeons office were priceless. I had thought it was one for each of us kids from grandma, but now I think it was one from her, one from you and one from my MissE! Just letting me know you're ok and I will be too!

Thankfully, Rocky is doing much better (not 100%), but better than he was & AbbE & Angel are keeping him entertained.

Me and uncle D found some property near your folks/grandma & grandpas land, so you as you know it's hunting time and we're trying to find that elusive "big buck"! It's going to be hard work to figure out the deer patterns on the new land, but I hope everything falls into place and we can move our trailer over there this coming year. We can even set up an easy spot for grandpa to sit and hunt ~ as he's scared his hunting days are over (since he had his knee surgery less than a month ago too). Funny, just as I'm writing this from my tree stand, you sent a beautiful big buck my way! Lol but he was running so fast I couldn't get a shot! BUT I did just ask to see deer and that would be enough ~ and so it is. Thank you!
*I just had to back track on my note and add a second buck! But he needed to grow a bit more, but I'm happy

So, as for me, they found a bunch a medical issues that aren't an easy fix, but maybe a positive word from you to the Big Guy just might be what's needed to fix this tired body of mine.

So.... I guess I can thank you again for letting us know you're near and please tell grandma hi for me and that I miss her a lot too! Give her a BIG HUG!!!


We love and miss you lots, Evan!
Aunt Laurie and Uncle Dennis

P.S. I hope you liked the balloons we let go for grandma and the one I sent up just for you!
11:28am 11-05-2016
Christopher's mommy
Dear Sue - You and your family are very much in my thoughts and prayers today as you remember your precious Angel Evan on his birthday.
love and hugs,
Christopher's mommy forever
8:23pm 07-06-2016
Laurie & Dennis
Hey Evan,
Today marks 16 years since we lost you and God got another angel. I know you've heard me say it ALOT, but we do truly miss you and think of you daily! AND wish you were still here with us....

All 3 of our pups are doing good ~ Rocky is still a day to day wonder! I know you asked God to let him hang around for us as long as possible and it must be working! Good job ~ keep it up! And besides, I know your hands are full playing ball and swimming with my MissE!

Grandma isn't doing so well... her Alzheimer's kicked in big time and the major stroke she had in January has left her right side paralyzed, and very limited speech and unable to ever come back home to live again... it breaks my heart to see her living like she is & grandpas heart too....Maybe ask God to take her home so she can come and be healthy with you? I know she would be much happier ~ many times she has asked me to just let her die... Even tho it would break my heart to loose her, it is harder to see her like she is.

Your mom just shared you sent them a sign you're still thinking of them and letting them know your okay! Glad you remembered! It was much needed!

I've been seeing & thinking of you and MissE for the last week ~ what with all the butterflies and dragonflies that have been resting on my hand, sitting on my shoulders and fluttering around. I know you're near.

We miss you Evan!
With hearts filled with love for you!
Auntie L & Uncle D
7:20am 07-06-2016
Christopher's mommy
Dear Sue - You and your family are very much in my thoughts and prayers today as you remember your precious Angel Evan on his Heaven day.
love and hugs,
Christopher's mommy forever
8:03am 11-05-2015
Laurie & Dennis
Hey Evan!
Happy birthday buddy! 22! My how time flies...what a handsome young man you must be! I look around and see the neighbor's son, Evan who is only a few months different in age from you, and it saddens me to see him with his new son and wife.... I think of what possible things and what you would be doing now if you were still with us.

Your dad took a beautiful buck yesterday ~ maybe for your birthday? I hope you were with him in his celebration! He would have loved it!

I've been helping Kristen out now and again with your nephew & niece, and I know you would approve of Emmett playing with some of your toys! He loves them as much as you did! I think it's awesome that the two of you shared the same toys!

Uncle Dennis and I are hanging in there...feeling "old" these days, lol, but managing. Our new puppies are now 8 months and 11 months. Angel looks so similar to MissE and AbbE ~ well, we love them both sooo much. If you took half of each of them they would almost be a clone of MissE! You would love playing with them! And Rocky is finally doing pretty well! Still has some medical issues, but he seems and looks soooo much better than a few months ago. Tell MissE that he still misses her very much and still has many blue days and has what we have come to call "MissE days" when either he or we are missing her so much. But we know that you're taking care of her for us. Has she tired your arm out yet from playing with her ball?

We love you Evan & think of you so often ... and still miss you so very much!

Happy birthday Evan!
Love you,
Auntie L. & Uncle D.
7:52am 11-05-2015
Christopher's mommy
Dear Sue - You and your family are very much in my thoughts and prayers today as you remember your precious Angel Evan on his birthday.
love and hugs,
Christopher's mommy forever
6:52am 07-07-2015
Laurie & Dennis
Hey Evan!
Well, we hit another milestone this year! 15 years without you! It has been a crazy year with ups & downs and good & bad! I know you're enjoying playing with MissE, but I miss her soooo much! Then we almost lost Rocky because he missed MissE so much! Only proves that animals hurt as much as we do when we lose a loved one! We now have TWO new puppies that we brought into our lives to help Rocky & us along our journey ~ which you already know about but I needed to tell you anyway! AbbE (gotta keep the E for you and now MissE) and Angel Kisses! They both have traits of MissE in them and it's always reminds us of you!

The butterflies were hanging around all of us yesterday and today ~ it still amazes me that when I'm thinking of you ~ you always seem to give us some kind of sign that you're still with us! Last week it was a dragon fly that came by me, rested on my shoulder and stayed while I pulled weeds out of the petunias & star flowers that I planted the year you died....and have come up every year since... Thank you for them! I always smile and remember you each time I look at them!

And now you have another niece! Hailyn Jean! Born on the 5th! and Kris & Andrew even had cheeseburger ~ no pickles please! Just for you! They showed us the picture and I cried!

We keep you in our thoughts all the time and will never forget you! I even was going to buy you a "new red truck" yesterday but uncle Dennis said "that you wouldn't have bought that kind!" Lol Must be a guy thing! Gotta have the right one or forget it!

Just wanted to let you know we were thinking of you on your Angel day and wishing you lots of love!

Please give MissE a BIG HUG & lots of kisses for us!
Love you!
Aunt Laurie & Uncle Dennis
10:08am 07-06-2015
Christopher's mommy
Dear Sue - You and your family are very much in my thoughts and prayers today as you remember your precious Angel Evan on his Heaven day.
love and hugs,
Christopher's mommy forever
11:57pm 12-16-2014
Laurie & Dennis
Hi Evan....
Well, it's a sad day here for Uncle Dennis & I... yesterday, we had to put down MissE... it was the hardest decision we have ever had to make! It tore both of our hearts out to loose her. We know it was for the best as she was in a lot of pain from the cancer but it also felt like we lost our last link to were a part of Brute's & Dixies life and she was conceived shortly after you died. So MissE became our link with you and so named MissE for missing Evan...
This is what we shared with our family & friends:
"MissE O'Dell"
February 8, 2001 went ahead of us to heaven December 15, 2014. (13yrs 10months & 7days). Our best friend and forever a part of our hearts! She gave so much unconditional love and support that no other living soul we know could've been there with us through so much that has occurred in our lives. She made things just alittle easier to handle with just a look of her warm brown eyes and her comforting snuggles and hugs. Her fur soaked up many a tear...and she always gave kisses afterward to make everything better. We will forever remember her love of swimming and always having a ball at hand for anyone to play fetch with her until your arm tired out before she ever did. Those that knew her were always greeted with a perfectly selected toy to show off to you again and again along with a few good thumps of her tail! We will always remember "thumper" which greeted us every morning and we can't forget to mention "Bertha Big Butt" which we scratched while she swayed between our legs! Pure love ~ bundled up in black fur and beautiful brown eyes! And now we will truly miss our MissE! Until we meet again sweet pea! You are my princess!

She is now in your hands for all the love and protection you can provide each other. Please do all her favorite things! And get her a new squawking duck and ball as soon as possible as I forgot to bring them with us when she started her journey to heaven. You know what they look like as you've shared them with her her whole life by making your own appearances to her & us by touching us with butterflies!

Please take care of her for us Evan until we can all be together again! She was our world!

With all our love to both of you,
Auntie L & Uncle D

MissE O'Dell
3:07pm 11-05-2014
Laurie & Dennis
Hey Evan,
Just wanted to wish you a very happy 21st birthday! What a young man you would be today! … It's hard to imagine that it's been this long without you!

MissE's cancer has come back (again) and it's not looking real good...
It terrifies me to loose her ~ she is my baby (only with four feet ~ just like you were your moms sweetheart ~ she is mine.... Please ask God if we can please keep her awhile longer? I so need her -she is my strength & support while dealing with life's daily dramas here on earth.

Anyway, I wanted you to know we have you on our minds so very much these days.... and miss you very much!

Happy 21st Birthday Evan!

With lots of love!
Aunt Laurie & Uncle Dennis
8:28am 11-05-2014
Christopher's mommy
Dear Sue - You and your family are very much in my thoughts and prayers today as you remember your precious Angel Evan on his birthday.
love and hugs,
Christopher's mommy forever
7:09am 07-07-2014
Christopher's mommy
Dear Susan - Although I am a day late in signing here, I wanted to let you know that you and your family have been very much in my thoughts and prayers as you remembered your precious Angel Evan for his Heaven day.
love and hugs,
Christopher's mommy forever
8:19pm 07-06-2014
Aunt Laurie & Uncle
Hi Evan!
Today marks 14 years since you started your journey ahead of us.... I know I say it every year, but it truly does not seem like that long ago.

I see that Kristen and your newest nephew Emmett were up to visit with you today! You would have loved the blankie he was playing on! Somehow I think you might have been playing with him while he was playing with your yellow dump truck! Maybe that's what put an extra twinkle in his eye for the pictures Kris took!

You did come around ALOT this weekend with butterflies and dragonflies too! I had a huge dragonfly rest on my leg, then my arm, kissed my face and then went back to resting on my leg! All I could think of was you! You come to us at so many different and unexpected moments that I know it's not a coincidence!

We miss you Evan!

With so much love!
Auntie L & Uncle D
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